"Ask to Yami" safety tips for communication.


Last Update il y a 4 ans

1. If our company name is mentioned in an email or message, then you will definitely check the link.

2. Before providing any information, you must verify that the e-mail or message is correct.

3. If you get any suspicious link by e-mail or message, then please contact us or verify it.

4. If you are asked to provide important information via chat or message then Before providing the information you must ask an official email copy from them.

5. You must always give important information via official email.

6. We must check our official domain name in the email. For example [email protected]. asktoyami.com is our official domain name.
7. Always check our updated helpline number from the official website.
8. Our call back number is +1 914 2283321. Do not accept any suspicious call from a suspicious number. If you receive a call from us, you must complete the verification by exchanging OTP with both parties and then provide other information.
9. Don't share any confidential information with our agents. like: Debit card pin, password, etc.

Note: This article was written in order to provide our community with further knowledge and is aimed to increase awareness. While Yami or asktoyami takes the security of its customers very seriously, neither Yami or asktoyami or any person associated with Yami or Asktoyami makes any warranty or representation with respect to third parties’ acts or omissions. Yami or Asktoyami will not be responsible or liable for any unauthorized access, breach of firewalls, or other hacking by third parties.

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